Yummy Apple Pie Baked Oatmeal

I love oatmeal. I could eat it most mornings for breakfast if I only had the time. Josh is not a fan, he thinks I am a bit old fashioned in some ways. In fact, one day he told me that only old people eat oatmeal!

I know why I have grown to like it, growing up in a large family oatmeal was a pretty cheap meal to prepare for the whole family. Of course, mom would always add sugar and cinnamon and other assorted goodies to help spice things up a bit. But I digress....

In an attempt to eat healthier on a budget I began looking for some different ways to prepare oatmeal besides cookies and your typical morning bowl of goodness. I have found several and I am planning to make one or two each week and talk about my results here. None of these recipes are original with me so I will be linking you to their original authors, but I will add my own comments.

I hope you enjoy the start to this new series. I would love to hear some of your favorite oatmeal fixins. Or maybe some of your favorite breakfast memories.

Angie, from The Cellar Door Stories has a lot of yummy food ideas. So far, my favorite has been Apple Pie Baked Oatmeal. If you want the recipe please click the link. I am all for giving credit to whom credit is due.

Here are my thoughts on this one:

I love that this is so easy to throw together. Most of us already have these ingredients in our kitchens. For   me, if I don't have the ingredients when I am looking up the recipe it probably won't get made. Pretty lazy right?!
You CAN NOT go wrong with apples and cinnamon they are the worlds best combination and they make me happy just thinking about it.
Being able to through it all together without a whole lot of steps actually make this a pretty quick hot breakfast option. I don't like giving out quick breakfasts every morning, it's nice to be presented with something nice and warm knowing that there was some extra love thrown in.

P.S. as I was taking pictures of my finished product I realized that something looked different. And sure enough, after looking over the recipe again I found that I had forgotten the OIL!!! Wow, I am glad that you guys are only reading this and not having to taste my version. It taste great but it's pretty thick, edible but thick.... So if I were to change one thing it would be to add oil next time!

I am still learning, and I get in a hurry sometimes. I promise that next time I will have quality pictures and a better result. HA!



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