Goals for my week.

Wow! It's been a long time since I posted. So sorry.

Have you ever had a period in life where you just feel like you are on auto pilot? I am sure that most of us have. Between our families, work, church, home, and anything else that we do it can feel like everyday we are just going through the motions. We are there but we are not really connecting. This has been me, and I am tired of it. But how do I fix it?

Well, first off I admit that I have a problem lol! Isn't that the first step to a lot of things?

Secondly, I need to figure out a way to make my time work for me instead of the other way around. No more being lazy! If I keep up a little each day then things don't become so big and get out of hand.

I frequently tell myself that I cannot take up a new thing because I do not have he time. This isn't really all together true. Yes, when people look at my schedule they feel a little light-headed but there are a lot of short spaces of time in between that I could use to my advantage. I NEED to do these things.

What are these things that I keep referring to? My friends and my church. I put them on the back burner too often in the excuse of not having the time.  If I don't make time for them then when will they make time for me?

And the other thing I need to take time for is ME..... Yep, this is still a tough one. I want to just keep going and sometimes Josh has to literally force me into going to read a book for pleasure! This is sad, I guess.

So I guess that my goals for this week are

  1.  To go out with at least one friend.
  2.  Go to an extra church service or event.
  3. Get through my latest Tedd Dekker book if it kills me!
These may seem trivial to some but right now it's something that I need to do. I need to find balance. I want to be a happy and carefree as my little Kara.

What are your goals for the week? Would you like to see a weekly post about goal setting? 


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