
Showing posts from February, 2012

A Busy Mom's Guide to Being Sick

Yuck! The famous stomach bug has landed at our house. Fortunately, it isn't the kind that makes you want to die, it just clings to you and makes you super tired and icky. Because of this I did not go to work today. I hate calling in! I always feel like my boss will never understand, this is silly because she is actually really good about being understanding.  So if I don't need to feel worried I begin to feel guilty. Guilty that I am taking the day to lay around and recoup. I have a million things to do and Kara needs my attention, I can't just lay in bed I tell myself. Yeah, you know you have done it too! In that case I normally get up and do too much and make myself sicker than I was originally. Thus, the cycle starts over! Today I decided I would be good to my body and try to rest. But I still had so much to do! So to ease my feelings I decided to find things that I could do from either my bed or couch, all the while keeping Kara entertained. I started out working ...

Here I Am!

Hello! You are probably wondering why I haven't posted in awhile. To put a long story short, I started a new job. The new job coupled with my already full schedule has pretty much monopolized my time. I am hoping that after the schedules get synced a little better I will have more time to write. We have started to got our apartment looking a little more like a home. This is mostly due to the exciting news that we have finally gotten a couch!!! I have been waiting for 3 years for this couch. (It's a long story!) We have also gotten some new shelves, crates, etc. . I will be posting pictures of our little abode as soon as it all comes together. As far as cooking goes, well..... I haven't gotten much done. We have been living off of some of my freezer cooking and whatever we can throw together at a moments notice. I hope to get back in the kitchen soon. That is an update on my life for now. Tell me what you have been up to! Has anyone started their Spring cleaning a li...

Yummy Apple Pie Baked Oatmeal

I love oatmeal. I could eat it most mornings for breakfast if I only had the time. Josh is not a fan, he thinks I am a bit old fashioned in some ways. In fact, one day he told me that only old people eat oatmeal! I know why I have grown to like it, growing up in a large family oatmeal was a pretty cheap meal to prepare for the whole family. Of course, mom would always add sugar and cinnamon and other assorted goodies to help spice things up a bit. But I digress.... In an attempt to eat healthier on a budget I began looking for some different ways to prepare oatmeal besides cookies and your typical morning bowl of goodness. I have found several and I am planning to make one or two each week and talk about my results here. None of these recipes are original with me so I will be linking you to their original authors, but I will add my own comments. I hope you enjoy the start to this new series. I would love to hear some of your favorite oatmeal fixins. Or maybe some of your favorite...

Finally! A Snow Day!!!

When I awoke this morning I felt like a little school girl, it had snowed in the night and it was still coming down! Oh how I had hoped this day would come! Kara has never really been able to play in the snow and so I really wanted to get at least one good snowfall before Spring. With all of the stress of the last couple of months we decided to make it a carefree day and we set out to the best sledding hill around. That hill happens to be at our church, Northwest Bible Church. And we weren't the only ones, there were several other children and parents from the neighborhood who had also come out to play. Kara had so much fun! I thought that she may be a little scared but after her first trip down with her daddy she was ready to tackle the hill by herself. My soon to be 2 year old is fearless! We played and we played until we were frozen and tired. Well, Kara was frozen but she was far from tired! She was not a happy little girl when we packed up to head home. Today is...

Josh's Hot Chocolate

1 package Swiss Miss 1 stirring spoon filled with hot fudge hot water a sprinkle of nutmeg mini marshmellows (we like the freeze dried variety) Put all of the ingredients together in you favorite mug. Enjoy in front of a cozy fire, or wrapped in a blanket with a good book. This is pretty good! And although I normally try to make stuff from scratch this is something that my husband likes to make for us and I like being lazy sometimes. And if you by the Swiss Mimss at Sams or Costco its actually pretty cheap! Do you have a favorite hot drink? I love to hear ideas and new recipes!

Inspired By A Can

Okay readers, you may have to hang in there with me tonight. I am not feeling to good I want to go bed but it's one of those things where I can't sleep. So I decided to take some time for myself to write and relax. I lit a candle, changed into my jammies and have slow music on Paandora. See, I am feeling better already! Yesterday was great day and Kara was being so good that I decided we would cook together! Now that is something we had not tried until yesterday so I was taking a big risk. I knew that we would most likely end up in disaster. I was pleasantly surprised though and we only had 2 incidents that involved tears. She doesn't really understand the whole taking turns thing yet. So by now you must be wondering what we made. I started out looking for ingredients for dinner but then I found a can of pumpkin. I turned it around and found that I had all I needed to make a pie! Pumpkin Pie is one of Josh's favorite foods. I don't really like it but because I...

Meet My Family Part 2

Meet my husband Josh! This picture was taken in St. Louis this past summer on one of those really quick trips when we didn't have Kara with us. By quick I mean we were literally just passing through and wanted to take a few photos. That's one of the great things about Josh, he isn't afraid to go do things on a moments notice. He loves to live life and just go with the flow. It really helps to balance out my semi OCD tendencies. We met in 2007 when I was only 17, just a baby! We became friends then we knew that we were meant to be. We got married on September 20, 2008. The coolest thing about this story is that Josh is my first boyfriend. I had prayed for a long time that I would be able to avoid the whole dating game and all of the drama that comes with it. We do have our moments like every couple does but I have never wished that I had waited. Then along came baby! Our little Kara was born in March of 2010. Josh adapted so fast to being a daddy, much faster tha...

My Twist On Pan-Roasted Chicken With Garlic-Lemon Green Beans

Hello Friends! I do a lot of my menu planning on different websites. I love stumbling across a new recipe. Sometimes I simply google the ingredients that I want to use then PRESTO! Well the dish that I am going to talk about today is one of those good finds. I will give you the original link because I am not claiming this one to be original with me, but I did change it some and after eating it I know there are a few things that I will do differently next time too. So here is the original link: And here are my thoughts, changes, and pictures: I really, really liked this dish! It was pretty easy to put together and cheap too. (Well, the original was a little more but after my substitutions it helped a little.) Instead of chicken breast I used thighs. (They were on sale for like 94 cents a pound whereas the breasts were almost 2 dollars a pound.) ...

Meet My Family Part 1

This is Kara! She is my beautiful little girl. Born on March 11th, 2010. (Oh my gosh, that means that she is almost 2!) She really is the joy of my life. Before she came along I thought that I was happy in every way. Now I really can't imagine how it felt before, I love being a mom. True, there are days I question my sanity. And days that the housework never ends. But when she comes running up to me just for a hug its all worth it! As I write this it has come to my realization that I need to plan her party! I haven't even started, does anyone have any ideas? She loves Mickey Mouse so we may have something started there... if only we could go to Disney World! That has to be every little kids dream, I think we will wait one or two more years though so that she can fully enjoy it. So this is my entry for tonight. I will have more to come this week. More recipes and I will introduce you to my hubby! I hope that you are all having a good Super Bowl Sunday. -God Bless!

Grown Up Grilled Cheese Sandwiches.....Sorta

Okay! As promised here is my first recipe. I love grilled cheese sandwiches, I mean REALLY love them! You know how they are one of the main things on the childrens menu in most resturants, sometimes I would steal Kara's or order my own because they are just that good! I hope that all of you have had the simple joy of a perfectly made grilled cheese sandwich growing up. I could eat them everyday. My husband was probably a little tired of my lack of creativity though. So I started trolling the web for a more "grown up" grilled cheese. I tried several different mixes and none seemed to work. It was then that I decided to make up my own, pulling my favorite aspects ffrom different attempts. Let me tell you that I am not a girl who can just pull ingredients out and make a perfect dish. I need a very clear plan! I am hoping that the more I cook the more I can improvise in the future. I took pictures as I worked. Sometimes I get so frustrated when my dishes don't look ...

My first real entry!

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen! And by Gentlemen I mean those of you reading over your wives' shoulder to see what she is interested in just before Valentine's Day, because we know that they all important gift is weighing heavily on your mind by now. But I will let that slide and maybe you will find me so witty that you follow me of your own accord! I am starting this blogging journey because I feel like I have something to give. I am a young wife and mother who has no clue what she is doing, I am an avid learner though and I want to share those experiences with you. I hope that you find this blog informative and enjoyable. It is my desire to make this a very open and honest look into my life and the things that seem to make it a little sweeter.  I love to hear thoughts and comments. If you have ideas for me, such as a new recipie or something that you do everyday to cut the clutter etc. please let me know! Maybe we can learn together.  My first recipie will be up...