A Busy Mom's Guide to Being Sick
Yuck! The famous stomach bug has landed at our house. Fortunately, it isn't the kind that makes you want to die, it just clings to you and makes you super tired and icky. Because of this I did not go to work today. I hate calling in! I always feel like my boss will never understand, this is silly because she is actually really good about being understanding. So if I don't need to feel worried I begin to feel guilty. Guilty that I am taking the day to lay around and recoup. I have a million things to do and Kara needs my attention, I can't just lay in bed I tell myself. Yeah, you know you have done it too! In that case I normally get up and do too much and make myself sicker than I was originally. Thus, the cycle starts over! Today I decided I would be good to my body and try to rest. But I still had so much to do! So to ease my feelings I decided to find things that I could do from either my bed or couch, all the while keeping Kara entertained. I started out working ...